What we offer

We provide our individual and business clients with the taxation expertise and knowledge that they deserve throughout the year.

At WFTFS, LLC we prefer to take a proactive vs. reactive approach to tax services. By keeping current on new tax laws and legislation, we are in a position to identify key tax planning opportunities that minimize both your current and future tax liabilities. We provide our individual and business clients with the taxation expertise and knowledge that they deserve throughout the year. Tax services offered include but are not limited to tax planning & return preparation for:

ITIN Application

Knowing the difference between an IRS Certifying Acceptance Agent (CAA) and an IRS Acceptance Agent (AA) is important, because the rights and responsibilities for a CAA greatly differ from an AA, as well as knowing how each type can effectively assist you.

  • Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is required in order to file a U.S. Income Tax Return for a U.S. Non-Resident Alien.
  • We offer convenient ways to start your ITIN Application from the comfort of your home, wherever you are located around the world.
  • Using a Certifying Acceptance Agent rather than an AA is both for convenience and to have a faster and smoother application process.
  • If you are eligible for a USA ITIN, WFTFS, LLC is an IRS Certifying Acceptance Agent who can help with your application process!

Certifying Acceptance Agent

Have the peace of mind in keeping important documents, such as passports, in your possession. Using an IRS Certifying Acceptance Agent can help in creating a smooth and convenient ITIN Application process.

  • CAAs can certify your identification documents in your application for an ITIN, so you may not need to submit original documents
  • CAAs can submit your ITIN Application on your behalf, helping you to complete the entire process even if you may be not be immediately available
  • CAAs can help resolve IRS issues if they arise and can also receive your ITIN on your behalf

Address: 10 E. Athens Ave, Suite 210B Ardmore, PA 19003

Phone: 610-989-2926

Email: [email protected]